Estimate your monthly Social Security retirement benefit using your age, income and when you want to retire.
Use this Social Security benefits calculator to estimate your retirement benefits based on your age, earnings and retirement date.
Calculating your Social Security retirement benefit — a crucial source of income for many retirees — can be an important step in choosing when to retire ( signing up for and choosing a Medicare plan is another).
Most people first become eligible to collect Social Security retirement benefits at age 62. However, if you wait, your future monthly retirement benefit increases each month until you turn 70. In some cases, the amount you’d receive at 70 is nearly double the amount you’d receive at 62.
Your actual benefit may be lower or higher than the estimate made with this calculator, because it does not take into account your actual earnings history.
We assume you have earnings every year until you begin receiving Social Security benefits. If you had several years of noncovered employment or your earnings changed significantly from year to year, this calculator will overestimate or underestimate your benefit.