Essential Elements of Digital Citizenship

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Kids today have always had technology in their lives, and many educators assume their students are competent tech users – more competent, in fact, than themselves.

In reality, though, students may be comfortable using technology, but they still might not understand how to use it appropriately or how to harness the power of technology to pursue their passions and contribute to their community.

In my book, Digital Citizenship in Schools, I explain the three categories of digital citizenship — respect, educate, protect — and lay out a framework that educators of all subject areas and grade levels can use to teach the basics of digital citizenship.

As you embed digital citizenship lessons into your curriculum, you'll feel more comfortable empowering your students to be active, vocal digital citizens who use their voice to do good in the world and promote the causes they care about.

Read on to get an overview of each of the nine elements:




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This is an updated version of a post that was originally published on June 25, 2014.