Free GRE Math Diagnostic Tests

Take the Varsity Learning Tools free diagnostic test for GRE Math to determine which academic concepts you understand and which ones require your ongoing attention. Each GRE Math problem is tagged down to the core, underlying concept that is being tested. The GRE Math diagnostic test results highlight how you performed on each area of the test. You can then utilize the results to create a personalized study plan that is based on your particular area of need.

GRE Math Diagnostic Test 1

Questions: 60 Test Difficulty: Average Time Spent: 10 hrs 16 mins

GRE Math Diagnostic Test 2

Questions: 60 Test Difficulty: Average Time Spent: 14 hrs 4 mins

GRE Math Diagnostic Test 3

Questions: 60 Test Difficulty: Average Time Spent: 10 hrs 39 mins

GRE Math Diagnostic Test 4

Questions: 40 Test Difficulty: Average Time Spent: 11 hrs 2 mins

GRE Math Diagnostic Test 5

Questions: 40 Test Difficulty: Average Time Spent: 10 hrs 27 mins

GRE Math Diagnostic Test 6

Questions: 40 Test Difficulty: Average Time Spent: 4 hrs 30 mins

GRE Math Diagnostic Test 7

Questions: 40 Test Difficulty: Average Time Spent: 9 hrs 17 mins

GRE Math Diagnostic Test 8

Questions: 40 Test Difficulty: Average Time Spent: 5 hrs 47 mins

GRE Math Diagnostic Test 9

Questions: 40 Test Difficulty: Average Time Spent: 9 hrs 58 mins

GRE Math Diagnostic Test 10

Questions: 40 Test Difficulty: Average Time Spent: 5 hrs 43 mins

GRE Math Diagnostic Test 11

Questions: 40 Test Difficulty: Average Time Spent: 16 hrs 56 mins

GRE Math Diagnostic Test 12

Questions: 40 Test Difficulty: Average Time Spent: 3 hrs 4 mins

GRE Math Diagnostic Test 13

Questions: 40 Test Difficulty: Average Time Spent: 13 hrs 5 mins

All GRE Math Resources

Our free GRE Quantitative Practice Tests are each a selection of 10 to 12 questions, which will give you a cross-section of topics from the Quantitative section of the GRE exam. You might think of them as little quizzes, which you can use to hone your skills. Whether you need top GRE tutors in New York, GRE tutors in Chicago, or top GRE tutors in Los Angeles, working with a pro may take your studies to the next level.

GRE Quantitative Section

What is the format of the GRE Quantitative section?

The GRE Quantitative section contains two 35-minute sections of 20 problems each. The sections are adaptive, meaning that the difficulty of the second quantitative section is based on your performance on the first quantitative section. Varsity Tutors offers resources like free GRE Quantitative flashcards to help with your self-paced study, or you may want to consider a GRE Quantitative tutor.

What does the GRE Quantitative section test?

The GRE Quantitative section tests arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and data analysis.

Arithmetic GRE Quantitative questions test properties and types of integers, such as divisibility, factorization, prime numbers, remainders and odd and even integers; arithmetic operations, exponents and roots; and concepts such as estimation, percent, ratio, rate, absolute value, the number line, decimal representation and sequences of numbers.

Algebra GRE Quantitative questions test operations with exponents; factoring and simplifying algebraic expressions; relations, functions, equations and inequalities; solving linear and quadratic equations and inequalities; solving simultaneous equations and inequalities; setting up equations to solve word problems; and coordinate geometry, including graphs of functions, equations and inequalities, intercepts and slopes of lines.

Geometry GRE Quantitative questions test parallel and perpendicular lines, circles, triangles (including isosceles, equilateral and 30°-60°-90° triangles ), quadrilaterals, other polygons, congruent and similar figures, three-dimensional figures, area, perimeter, volume, the Pythagorean theorem and angle measurement in degrees. The ability to construct proofs is not tested.

Data analysis GRE Quantitative questions test basic descriptive statistics, such as mean, median, mode, range, standard deviation, interquartile range, quartiles and percentiles; interpretation of data in tables and graphs, such as line graphs, bar graphs, circle graphs, boxplots, scatterplots and frequency distributions; elementary probability, such as probabilities of compound events and independent events; random variables and probability distributions, including normal distributions; and counting methods, such as combinations, permutations and Venn diagrams. Inferential statistics is NOT tested.

What types of problems are on the GRE Quantitative section?

The GRE Quantitative section is made up of three basic problem types: Quantitative Comparison; Multiple Choice (some of which require you to select multiple correct answers); and Numeric Entry. Some of the Multiple Choice and Numeric Entry problems are based on data interpretation sets, where multiple questions are asked about a single set of data.

Quantitative Comparison problems ask you to compare two quantities. Usually, one of these quantities is expressed in terms that require some computation, in order to solve it or reduce it into a form that can be compared.

Multiple Choice questions ask you to select one or more correct answers to an equation or story problem, or a question about a data set.

Numeric Entry problems ask you about equation or story problems, or may concern a data set, but instead of having potential answers presented to you, as with Multiple Choice questions, you type out the answer into a blank box yourself.

Are there significant differences between the kinds of problems on the Quantitative section of the GRE revised General Test and those from the previous GRE format given before August 2011?

While the differences on the new GRE Quantitative section are less significant than the changes made to the GRE Verbal section, they are still worth noting and considering during your preparation. The main differences involve the inclusion of problems that have multiple correct answers, so be sure to read all of the answer choices, even after you have identified a correct option. Also new to the revised test are problems where you enter an actual number, as opposed to the earlier GRE Quantitative format, which consisted entirely of Multiple Choice and Quantitative Comparison questions. In general, the revised Quantitative section focuses more on using math in different situations, i.e. data analysis, rather than merely manipulating numbers, which was the old version’s focus.

Can I use a calculator on the GRE Quantitative section?

You absolutely may, but not your own. A digital calculator is provided for you to use as part of the testing software. This decreases the amount of time required for computing, leaving more time to test for comprehension of mathematical principles. It is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the format and capabilities of this calculator before taking the test.

I haven’t taken any math classes in college—will I survive the GRE Quantitative section?

You will certainly want to review your old notes, but you don’t need to worry. The GRE Quantitative section does not require any concepts that are not covered in high school math; however, you may want to brush up on arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and basic data analysis, as these are the concepts that the GRE Quantitative section tests.

What is the score scale for the GRE Quantitative section?

The GRE Quantitative section, formally scored in ten-point increments on a 200-800 scale, is now scored in single-point increments on a 130-170 scale. The 50 th percentile for a given test will normally fall in the 151-152 range.

Should I guess on the GRE Quantitative section?

There is no penalty for guessing—your score is based on a tally of how many questions you answer correctly in the two Quantitative sections; however, you will still want to guess in an educated and strategic manner when you are unsure of the correct answer(s) by trying to eliminate answers that you are sure are incorrect and guessing between the remaining possible answers.

Does the difficulty of a GRE Quantitative section question vary based on my answer to the previous question?

No. This was true of the previous GRE format (making it beneficial to spend a bit more time on the earlier problems in a section), but now this is not the case within a section. In the revised format, you may skip and return to problems, and change answers within the section you are currently on should you wish to do so. There remains an adaptive element to the GRE Quantitative section, though: your performance on the first Quantitative section will determine the difficulty of the second Quantitative section. This arrangement allows the GRE to find your precise score within your score range.

Can I cancel my score report for one section?

While you are now able to see your scores before deciding whether to report them officially, you may not report isolated scores; if you want to cancel one score from a testing date, you must cancel them all from that date.

How should I study for the GRE Quantitative section?

Varsity Tutors offers free GRE Quantitative Practice Tests for you to use in preparing for the GRE’s Quantitative section. Our free GRE Quantitative Practice Tests are written by teachers, professors, content specialists, and tutors. Explanations are given for each question, so if you miss a question, you can find out where you went wrong. In addition to the GRE Quantitative Practice Tests and GRE tutoring, you may also want to consider taking our free GRE Quantitative Diagnostic Tests, free GRE Quantitative flashcards, free GRE Quantitative Questions of the Day, and other free GRE Quantitative resources.

Free GRE Math Practice Tests

Our completely free GRE Math practice tests are the perfect way to brush up your skills. Take one of our many GRE Math practice tests for a run-through of commonly asked questions. You will receive incredibly detailed scoring results at the end of your GRE Math practice test to help you identify your strengths and weaknesses. Pick one of our GRE Math practice tests now and begin!